Welcome to the site www.mundoemaxi.com (the "Site" ).

Products for sale at www.mundoemaxi.com (at hereinafter the "Site") are sold and invoiced by Mundo & Maxi S. L, based on Av. Josep Tarrarellas 8, 17100 La Bisbal D'Emporda (Girona), Cif: B-55298087.

For any information about orders, shipments and more In general, the Customers can contact the Isola di Salute de Concetta Meli customer service at the following addresses:

email: info@mundoemaxi.com

Phone: +39 392 686 0101

Monday through Friday from 9.00 to 12.00 and from 15.00 to 18.00 .


1. Acceptance of the general conditions of sale and conclusion of the contract

1.1 The contract stipulated between Mundo and Maxi S. The Client ( that is, the subject, a natural person, who makes the purchase on the Site, not related to their own commercial, business or professional activity) must be considered concluded with the acceptance, even if only partial, of the order by Mundo. And Maxi S. L. In case of non-acceptance of the order, Isola di Salute di Concetta Meli will notify the Client immediately.

1.2 Placing an order in the various forms provided, depending on the form order present on the Site (hereinafter, the "Order"), the Customer declares to have read all the information that was provided during the purchase procedure and fully accept these general conditions (hereinafter, the "Conditions").

1.3 These Conditions may be printed or saved on a durable medium, in compliance with the provisions of art. 12 of Legislative Decree 70/2003 and art. 51 of Legislative Decree 206/2005, modified by Legislative Decree 21/2014.

1. Purchase method

2.1 The products offered for sale by Mundo & Maxi S. L are only those present on the website www.mundoemaxi.com at the time of placing the Order, as described in the corresponding information sheets.

2.2 In any case, it is understood that the images that accompany The descriptive cards of a product are for informational purposes only and may not be perfectly representative of its characteristics, but they differ, for example. by color and size (also due to the browser and monitor used to access the Site and view the images).

2.3 To place an Order, the Customer must complete all its parts the corresponding form on the Site and send it after having carefully read the Conditions, as well as the characteristics of the product and / or products that you intend to purchase. The Customer must also request Birrificio 24 Baroni s.r.l., if he so wishes, the issuance of a tax invoice related to the purchase, in accordance with art. 22 D.p.R. north. 633/1972.

2.4 The correct receipt of the Order is confirmed by Mundo & Maxi S L by means of an email response, sent to the email address provided by the Customer. This confirmation message will summarize the purchase conditions, as required by applicable law, as well as the data entered in the Order by the Client, so that the same can verify them and eventually communicate without delay the necessary corrections of incorrect data.

1. Prices and payment methods

3.1 The prices indicated on the site must include taxes and VAT. In any case, the shipping or payment costs if they are previously communicated to the Client through the site or these Conditions.

3.2 The following payment methods are available:

(i) PayPal

For payment, the customer can use Paypal according to modalities specific to it.

(ii) Credit card

In cases of purchase of goods with card payment methods credit, the transaction can be made through the secure server of Paypal or another secure server chosen by Mundo & Maxi SL

In no case and at no stage of payment Mundo & Maxi S . L will be able to know the information related to the Client's credit card, transmitted through a secure connection directly to the website of the bank that manages the transaction. No computer file of Isola di Salute di Concetta Meli will keep such data and, therefore, in no case Mundo & Maxi S. L can be responsible for any fraudulent and inappropriate use of credit cards by third parties at the time of payment .

1. Product delivery and related costs

4.1 The products purchased will be delivered to the address indicated by the Customer in the 'Order within 2-5 business days from the acceptance of the Order by Mundo & Maxi S. L, at the cost specifically indicated on the Site before sending the Order. Mundo y Maxi S. L reserves the right to accept or not the deliveries requested outside the Italian or European borders. In any case, for deliveries made outside the Italian borders, shipping costs and delivery times may vary.

4.2 Regarding deliveries requested in countries outside the European Union , import customs duties will be borne by the recipient. Therefore, the Customer is invited to contact the customs authorities of his country in advance to verify the costs and import limits.

4.3 The delivery times indicated by Mundo & Maxi S. L should be considered as purely indicative and a delay with respect to them, or any delivery made with subsequent split shipments does not entitle the Customer to refuse the delivery itself and to request compensation or compensation.

4.4 After delivery of the products, the Customer must check:

• that the number of packages delivered corresponds to what is indicated in the transport document.

• that the packaging is intact, not damaged or wet or in any altered case, even in the closure materials (adhesive tape or metal straps).

Any damage to the packaging and / or the product or failure The Correspondence of the number of packages or indications, must be detected immediately, putting a specific indication in the delivery document of the product to be returned to the courier.

Any problem related to the physical integrity, correspondence or integrity of the Products received must be reported within 7 days after delivery, in accordance with the procedures established in this document.

1. Right of withdrawal

5.1 In accordance with art. 52 of Legislative Decree 206/2005, modified by Legislative Decree 21/2014, the Customer may withdraw from the Conditions and therefore the purchase contract for any reason, without the need to motivate and without any penalty, within 14 (fourteen ) business days from the date of receipt of the products.

5.2 To exercise the right of withdrawal mentioned in the previous article 5.1 , The Client must send Mundo & Maxi S. L a communication for this purpose, in the terms indicated, to the following email address info@mundoemaxi.com

5.3 In case of withdrawal, the Client must return the product in Mundo & Maxi S. L within 14 (fourteen) days after the withdrawal, to the following address:

Mundo & Maxi S. L, with operational headquarters at Av. Josep Tarrarellas 8, 17100 La Bisbal D'Emporda (Girona).

Merchandise must be returned intact, complete with all parts and in the original packaging (envelopes and packages), preserved and eventually used for the time strictly necessary to establish and verify their nature, characteristics and size, in accordance with normal diligence, without any sign of wear or dirt, in compliance with the following conditions reported:

• the right of withdrawal may apply to the product purchased in its entirety ; In fact, it is not possible to withdraw only part of the purchased product (eg: accessories, accessories, etc ...);

• For recall to be possible, the product must be intact and returned in the original packaging, complete in all its parts (including the packaging and any documentation and accessory equipment: labels, tags, seals, etc ...);

• shipping costs (and any customs fees, if applicable ) for the return of the merchandise will be the sole responsibility of the Customer.

• the shipment, up to the certificate of receipt in the indicated warehouse by Mundo & Maxi S. L, is under the total responsibility of the client;

• in case of damage to the asset during transport, Mundo & Maxi S. L will notify the Customer, so that he can file a complaint without delay against the courier chosen by him and obtain the corresponding refund; the product will be made available to the customer, simultaneously canceling the withdrawal request;

• Mundo & Maxi S. L will not be responsible in any way for damages, theft or losses that occur during or in any case depending on the return shipment.

5.4 Mundo & Maxi S. L will refund the customer the full amount already paid, net of any additional shipping costs pursuant to art. 56, paragraph 2, of Legislative Decree 21/14), within 14 (fourteen) days after the withdrawal, by reversing the amount charged, using the same means of payment used by the Client for the initial transaction, unless agreed in contrary. In any case, the Customer will not incur any expenses as a result of this return. Mundo & Maxi S. L may suspend the refund until the returned product is received or until the Customer demonstrates that he has correctly returned the product, if earlier.

5.5 In any case, the Client will lose the right of withdrawal in cases in which Mundo & Maxi S. Make sure that:

• the returned product and / or its accessories, and / or its packaging is not intact;

• the product is missing its outer packaging and / or 'packaging original internal;

• the product is missing integral elements of the same and / or accessories (eg screws, keys, washers, etc.).

In case of loss of the right of withdrawal, Mundo & Maxi S . L will return the purchased product to the sender, charging the shipping costs to the sender and, if it has already been refunded, the price of the product.

1. Guarantees

6.1 All products sold by Mundo & Maxi S. L are covered by the guarantee of 24 (twenty-four) months due to lack of conformity, in accordance with Title III of Legislative Decree 206/2005. To make use of the guarantee, the Customer must keep the invoice, or the payment receipt, together with the transport document.

6.2 The warranty for lack of conformity will apply as long as the product relative has been used correctly, respecting its intended use and as provided in the instructions for use and washing present in and / or with the product.

6.3 In case, for any reason, Mundo & Maxi S. L was unable to return a product under warranty (refurbished or replaced) to the Customer, or if the repair or replacement was excessively expensive, also due to the value of the product, Isola di Salute di Concetta Meli may proceed with the appropriate price reduction paid, that is, the refund of the entire amount paid with the termination of the contract.

6.4 In cases where the application of guarantees provides for the return of the product, it must be returned by the Customer in the original packaging, complete in all its parts (including packaging and any documentation and accessory equipment).

1. Complaints and requests for information

7.1 Any complaint or request for information can be addressed to the following Data contact of Mundo & Maxi S. L, with operational headquarters at Av Josep Tarrarellas 8, 17100 La Bisbal D'Emporda (Girona), email: info@mundoemaxi.com

1. Privacy

8.1 The personal data collected with the completion of the Order will be processed by Mundo & Maxi S. L with the sole purpose of satisfying the express requests of the Client, in accordance with the EU Regulation 2016/679 and the privacy policy of the site. Any further processing will be carried out only with the express consent of the Client.

1. Applicable law

9.1 The sales contract referred to in these Conditions and those related to execution and regulated by Italian law, with the non-application of the conflict rules and the United Nations Convention for the International Sale of Goods. The Court of the municipality of residence of the Client will be competent for the solution of the relative controversies.

About online dispute resolution pursuant to art. 14 paragraph 1 of the ODR (Online Dispute Resolution Regulation):

The European Commission gives consumers the ability to resolve disputes in line, in accordance with Art. 14 Par. 1 of the Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) on one of its platforms. The platform ( http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr ) serves as a place where consumers can try to reach out-of-court settlements on disputes arising from - line and by service agreements.